The Legal Mechanism of Interaction Between Guilds and state and Weak Institutionalizing of Professional Unions in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor ,Department of Political science, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 M.A in Public Law, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


In this article, the emphasis has been on analysis of the mechanism and legal obligations about reations of guilds and professional unions with state, their deficiencies and weak institutionalizing of this relation in Iran. This study has been conducted by interdisciplinary manner in two courses of public law and political sciences. The main questions in this article are: What are the important legal mechanism and obligations on the activities and interaction of guilds with state in Iran in two last decades? What have been the important efficient variables on the non-full successfulness of professional unions and their weak interaction with state in Iran? In answer must be said that: in the professional system law and the constitution, have been articulated the obligations, preconditions and necessary opportunities for the activities of professional unions, and then, Must try to find the reasons of non-full successfulness of these actors in political, organizational and sociological variables. Of course, in his article, have not been denied the relative practical successfulness and organizational advancement of them, but have nearly much distance with ideal type.


Main Subjects

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