Nasr Hamed Abu Zaid's Interpretation of Citizenship Rights: A Modern Approach to Tradition

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University

2 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Shiraz University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Public and International Law, Shiraz University



In recent decades, Muslim thinkers have grappled with the crises facing the Islamic world, especially in Arab countries such as Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Syria. The persistent conflicts and the contradiction between the rights of Muslims and non-Muslims have led to the realization among Muslim intellectuals that political and legal structures need reformation. These structures, often incompatible with modern Western legal norms and democratic ideals, have posed significant challenges to the concept of "citizenship," a cornerstone of democratic societies. In response to these challenges, neo-Mutazilites, including thinkers like Nasr Hamed Abu Zaid, Mohammed Abed al-Jabri, and Hassan Hanafi, have utilized modern methodologies such as linguistic analysis and philosophical hermeneutics to re-examine Quranic texts.
This research focuses on Nasr Hamed Abu Zaid's perspective on citizenship rights, exploring how he proposed a theory of citizenship in Islamic societies by employing modern human sciences methodologies like 
linguistics and hermeneutics. Abu Zaid argues that citizenship rights are rooted in humanism, emphasizing that the concept of citizenship has not been fully realized in most Islamic societies due to the lack of freedom of opinion and expression. He asserts that to establish citizenship rights, fundamental components of human rights such as freedom must be acknowledged. Abu Zaid aligns his views with the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emphasizing the inherent freedom and equality of all human beings. In his perspective, every individual possesses the power of reason, granting them the right to participate as active citizens.
Abu Zaid challenges traditional notions of identity in Islamic societies, asserting that identity is often solely related to religion, neglecting other aspects. He connects this discussion to the concept of pluralism, highlighting the need for a broader understanding of identity in the discourse of citizenship. Additionally, Abu Zaid employs hermeneutics to contextualize the Quranic texts within historical and cultural frameworks. He argues that religious texts, including the Quran, are influenced by their cultural and historical contexts, requiring linguistic analysis to interpret them in accordance with contemporary conditions.
Critics have questioned Abu Zaid's approach, particularly concerning the definition of "text" and the use of modern humanities methods to interpret divine matters. Despite these criticisms, Abu Zaid's vision aligns with Western thinkers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, emphasizing that rulers cannot arbitrate all religious matters for citizens. He advocates for freedom of opinion as the foundational principle for achieving citizenship, believing that human rationality should guide the roadmap for the post-prophetic era. Abu Zaid's unique interpretation of Sharia focuses on creating a citizenship custom where religious morals replace mere legalities, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between the rule of law and citizenship.


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