Conceptualization of “Globalization of Law” in the Ring of "Ism"s

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of law, Faculty of Law & Social Sciences, University of Tabriz,, Iran


"Globalization" as a new concept has affected various fields of human sciences in recent decades. Among such domains, there is the field of "law" that has been influenced by this concept. In this regard, present paper, has discussed the subject of the “globalization of law” and has expressed different views on this phrase. The most common views and impressions of this concept are categorized and cited by using the research method: descriptive - analytic, therefore. This research shows to what extent was the conception of globalization of law captured by schools or ideological conceptions and to what extent have previous evaluations been effective in understanding the emerging concept of globalization of law; that how the pluralism has been taken against the cosmopolitan of law; or how the conception of idealism is against legal realism. As a result, the agreement on this phrase remains at the "concept" level and there is a possibility of consensus with a refusal at the step of "conception".



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