The Construction and Operation of the Ilisu Dam in Turkey and the Dust Haze Phenomenon in Iran: Supremacy of Relevant Principles of International Environmental Law

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran.


   Large dam construction on international Rivers in the context of hydroelectric energy generation projects, have different effects that stay within the bounds of international environmental law.  In The case in which dam construction in the realm of the territory of a state most probably will cause main and adverse impacts on the environment of other states, conflict of competing claims is inevitable. While the state that constructs the dam rely on its benefits in the context of the principle of territorial jurisdiction, neighboring states may claim adverse transboundary impacts of the dam for their environment and request compliance with relevant regulations of international environmental law.  As regards Ilisu Dam, it has been claimed and seems probably that the construction and operationof such facility, will likely intensify the dust haze phenomenon in neighboring countries especially in Iran. The question that arises is that which principles of international environmental law should be observed and acquire the priority by governments in implementation of national projects, including the construction of a dam. This article attempts to show the approach of international environmental law in granting priority to the observance of principles of international environmental law in the implementation of national projects.


Main Subjects

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