Analyzing of the concept of self-defense in light of cyber attack (With an emphasis on Stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear facilities)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of science in International Law, University of Qom

2 Judge in Tehran Province Courts

3 Associate Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


One of the modern methods of conflict on the international stage is an attack that occurs in headstock of cyber space which can create widespread fatalities and vast damages. But fast changes in this area have caused international law not to legislate new rules fit for the protection of the cyber space. The concept of self-defense has been challenged under the attacks and in this area the possibility of exercising this right according to Article 51 of the UN Charter or customary international law, is an important question that has remained unanswered. It seems, if cyber-attacks penetrate into a country's vital infrastructure and potentially be destructive as an armed attack they will be assumed to be an act of aggression and the victim will have the right to self-defense. This essay will examine whether the right to self-defense is verifiable with regard to the particular case of Stuxnet.


Main Subjects

الف. فارسی
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