Condition and Contract: Convergence or Divergence in Legal Perspectives

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D student in Jurisprudence and Islamic law, University of Tehran (College of Farabi), Qom_Iran



Contracts and agreements have historically underpinned myriad transactions, shaping human interactions on diverse issues. The intricate relationship between contracts and the conditions they entail has been a focal point for legal scholars and practitioners throughout history. This study delves into the nuanced dichotomy of convergent and divergent perspectives, providing a profound exploration of the fundamental connection between contracts and their accompanying conditions.
In the convergent paradigm, conditions are intrinsically interwoven within the fabric of contracts, constituting their vital components. In this view, the condition assumes a primary role, and any deviation, violation, or non-observance can severely weaken or even invalidate the contract. Conversely, divergent viewpoints present conditions as entities parallel yet intricately connected to contracts. Here, conditions are viewed as secondary, existing as distinct yet symbiotic elements. This perspective posits that contracts and conditions are two interrelated yet separate compromises, each integral to the other. This discourse extends into civil law, where prevailing views underscore the divergence between the contract and its conditions. According to Article 233, the nullity of a condition does not necessarily 
impede the validity of the entire contract, unless it damages the contract's fundamental elements.
This study critically examines existing views, identifying their inherent flaws and limitations. Through rigorous data analysis and logical reasoning, it becomes evident that both divergent and convergent perspectives fall short in providing adequate justifications for the comprehensive connection between various conditions and contracts. Sovereignty of will, often cited as the defining criterion for justifying the independence of conditions from contracts, proves insufficient. This inadequacy becomes apparent when considering stipulated conditions and their substantive relationships with the original contract. Additionally, examples of independent conditions extend beyond the confines of existing classifications, encompassing a wide array of valid conditions, including those that pass under specific circumstances.
To address these complexities, this research endeavors to establish a contemporary and nuanced criterion for distinguishing the relationship between contracts and conditions. It delves into the core question: Is the relationship between conditions and contracts entirely subordinate and dependent, or can scenarios be imagined where conditions exist independently, even in cases of contract nullity? The study navigates the intricacies of dependent and independent conditions, drawing comparisons with established jurisprudential references. Recognizing independence based solely on a condition's ability to survive without a contract proves inadequate. The study delves deep into the exact meanings of converging and diverging contracts and conditions, exploring their scopes, effects, and underlying beliefs.
In conclusion, the research posits that the substantive degree of connection between conditions desired by parties and the fundamental elements of a contract serves as the pivotal criterion. Independent conditions, possessing inherent binding identities, maintain their validity even in the event of nullified contracts, exemplifying their indispensable role in governing various contractual facets. Dependent conditions, on the other hand, find their purpose within the broader contractual framework, tethered to the exchange's quantity, quality, or specific transactional aspects. This dichotomy elucidates the diverse landscape of contractual relationships, underscoring the need for a nuanced understanding of conditions within the framework of contracts.


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