Obligation of States to Extraterritorial Implementation of the Human Right to Access to Safe and Sanitary Water

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public & International Law, School of Law & Political Sciences, Shiraz University

2 Ph.D. of International law



The right to water is one of the economic, social and cultural rights that have been approved by international documents. In implementing this right, states are committed to provide human access to safe and sufficient water for drinking, sanitary and domestic purposes. Although the commitment to the implementation of human rights, including the right to water, has been established in a way that basically obliges states when taking measures in their territorial territory, but based on the doctrine, the approach of human rights treaty bodies such as the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as opinions International Court of Justice, it is clear that the obligation of states to implement the right to water extends beyond their territory. In view of this issue, this article based on a descriptive-analytical method answers the question that in the international human rights system, how can states implement their obligation to the extraterritorial implementation of the right to water? The article argues that, like other second-generation human rights, states are committed to respect, protect and fulfill (at two levels of maximum and minimum obligations) the right to water beyond their territory.


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