A Critical Appraisal of Effects of Different Levels of Negligence on Liability of Tortfeasors Under Iranian Law: A comparative Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Private Law, Faculty of Law & Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law & Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD Student in Private Law, Faculty of Law & Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Classification of negligence into different levels, is a complex legal issue. Therefore, some commentators have entirely rejected its multi-layered nature and some others have identified its different levels. In an attempt to make sense of the nature of negligence, we have put foreward a new thesis. We have adopted a dualist approach in identification of the nature of negligence in the sense that while in principle resort should be made to subjective criteria in making sense of negligence, one must also take objective criteria into account. Accordingly, one faces instances where negligence is not of an ordinary nature nor an intentional one. In said instances, law confers certain effects on the acts commited. For instance, under Iranian Penal Code and Insurance Code, binging and excessive drug use entail consequences such as coupled damages and claims made by insurers for refund.


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