Inherent Powers of Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Prof. of Private Law, Department of Private Law, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran.

2 MA. in Private Law, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services.



To accomplish their ultimate purpose to end the settle the dispute, arbitrators have powers derive from the arbitration agreement and applicable law. Nevertheless, some of powers are not expressly conferred on arbitral tribunals by constituent documents. These powers are so vital for the function of tribunals and maintain their integrity and authority that allow them to carry out their duties effectively. The sources of inherent powers in the procedure of international arbitration mainly includes general legal principles, doctrine of implied powers, identity of international courts and the function of international courts to settle the dispute and ensure the fulfilment of the international justice accurately. Limiting the arbitrators to contractual or legal powers would face tribunals with manifold challenges. The findings of this research in the procedure of international arbitral tribunals indicate that arbitrators have the inherent powers derive from the nature of arbitration in specific circumstances.


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