Combating Hate Crime against Trans People in Iran and the United States of America

Document Type : Research Paper


Graduated with Ph.D. degree in Criminal Law and Criminology



One of the causes that constitute hate crime is the gender identity of victims. Although trans people believe in a gender that opposite from which assigned at their birth, they behave against their biological identity. This behavior that resulted from their gender identity disorder makes them as a proper sibling for the victimizing of a hate crime. In this context, combatting violence against trans people is required to create a criminal and non-criminal strategy. In this way, the legislator of the United States at both Federal and State levels consider trans people as a protected group in hate crimes. In addition, non-criminal measures, including in the area of education on the gender identity disorder of trans people, anti-discrimination legislation in workplaces, education, legal assistance, and the fitting of shelters are considered to combat violence against trans people. On the other hand, Iranian legislator has not yet been created adequate protection policies in the face of violence based on gender identity disorder. All in all, the aim of this paper is to analyze the United States policy on combatting hate crime against trans people and then establish a comprehensive strategy on how to deal with the aforementioned issue.


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- سایت‌های اینترنتی
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"The Code of Laws of the United States of America" (Last visit: January 14, 2019)
" U.S. Congress legislation " (Last visit: January 14, 2019)
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