Examination the Role of Worker and Employer’s Organization in Tackling Crisis Facing International Labour System (with highlighting Covid-19)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University،Shiraz،Iran

2 Farzaneh Poorsaied،Ph.D Graduate in International Law، Faculty of Law، Islamic Azad University، Isfahan Branch، Isfahan، Iran



Examination the previous global crisis indicates this basic point that governments can't on their own overcome the challenges stemming from strong shocks. Given the unprecedented nature of the crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic, social dialogue involving governments and employer’s and worker’s representative organization is more important than ever. International labour standards contain specific guidance for safeguarding decent work in the context of crisis response including covid-19 pandemic. The necessity of social dialogue to response crisis and the key role of workers’ and employers’ organization is highlighted in currently international labour standards. The international labour organization’s recommendation 205 adopted in 2017, the international labour organization calls on governments to recognize this role within the framework of freedom of association and the right of association and collective bargaining contained in the 87 and 98 international labour conventions. this paper examines this issue with a descriptive-analytical method. It is obvious that effective social negotiation of labour and employer’s organizations has contributed to strategic measures to overcome the current challenges caused by the crisis and will lead to economic resilience, the sustainability of enterprises and the effective implementation of support for the employer community.


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