Access to Justice and Attack on the Official Body for Referral of Complaint & the Opinion of Disciplinary Council of Order of Engineering and Building Controlling

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Tehran


General Assembly of Supreme Court in its Judgment for Unification No 786 said that the opinion of Disciplinary Council of Order of Engineering and Building Controlling, in contrast with procedural and accepted terminology, is definitive and enforceable because the term “definitive” is free from any restriction (absolute). The assembly has provoked to Principle number 159 of Constitution and so to article 24 of The Act of Order of Engineering and Building Controlling. This judgment is obviously contrary to our constitutional law and our jurisprudence as well as it is incorrect, inconsistence with principle. In fact, the meaning of word “definitive” should be understood by wisdom and literal interpretation of that word is not binding. Also the Judicial function cannot be entrusted to non-judicial bodies unless the justiciable have had the right to action in independent tribunal as their constitutional rights provided. Judicial Review according to Principle 157 of our Constitution and specially for controlling the good administration of justice in non-judicial bodies is overriding.


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