Preemptory Norms and International Commercial Arbitrations; A Comparative Study in Iran, Germany, the UK, and the US Legal Systems

Document Type : Research Paper


Preemptory Norms and International Commercial Arbitrations;
A Comparative Study in Iran, Germany, the UK, and the US Legal Systems
Hamidreza Rostami
Arbitration is regarded as one the most preferable ways of the pacific settlement of disputes in international commercial claims due to the advantages it has over judicial resorts. One of the most important feature of arbitration, inter alia, is the authority of the will principle. However, it must be noted that this principle would be balanced in cases of contradiction to the ordre public and Jus cogens. In these cases, it is the preemptory norm which would prevail. To the extent these norms affect the principle and the recognition of these norms are of a high importance in the arbitral processes. This essay will focus on the scope and extent preemptory norms have effects on international commercial arbitrations.


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