Application of philosophical hermeneutics in the gender attitude on mother retaliation against child murder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master student of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

2 Associated Professor


The social system is a structure that consists of several kind of subsystems that have interaction with each other’s. The value and normative system of a subsystem, affects the values of other subsystems. For example, norms and values of economical subsystem has deep relation on penal subsystem. Moreover, function of penal subsystem is protecting from the normative structure of other subsystems.
One of the most important effect of this relation between penal subsystem and other social subsystem is the influence of gender attitude that exist on the other social subsystem. When the economical subsystem is on the effects of gender attitudes, naturally penal subsystem will also affected by this gender attitudes. Distinction between penal rules of female gender and male gender in penal jurisprudence is because of this gender attitudes on the other social subsystems.
Keywords: Different kind of reading from penal theory of Sharia, Philosophical hermeneutics, gender attitude, Qisas of mother, Historical perception


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