The principle of openness of civil proceedings

Document Type : Research Paper


1 دانشگاه شیراز

2 shraz university


The principle of openness of the proceedings is one of the fundamental principles governing the types of proceedings that are considered human rights and is one of the important components in the realization of a fair trial. However, in criminal matters, the principle of openness of the proceedings and related issues has been considered to a considerable extent. In the air, the publicity of civil proceedings may seem imaginary and unnecessary, but the importance of the principles that may be at stake in the absence of public proceedings, and the many fruits of principle, are sufficient to justify the necessity of public hearings. arrives. In terms of enforcement guarantees, non-compliance with the provisions of the principle of openness of proceedings can be considered as a disciplinary violation of judges. If it is appealed or appealed in the appeal stage, it will cause a violation of the vote in higher authorities. In Iranian law, the legislator's silence on the principle of openness in civil proceedings and the guarantee of its implementation cast doubt on the acceptance of this idea, although the solution adopted in French law seems desirable.


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