Conveying the Concepts of the State`s Responsibility to the Field of International Organizations and Its Challenges

Document Type : Research Paper


1 International Law Instructor, Payam Noor University, Department of Theology and Islamic Sciences, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of International Law, Payam Noor University, Department of Theology and Islamic Sciences, Iran


Draft articles on State`s responsibility were drafted by the International Law Commission in 2001, and the draft articles on responsibility of international organizations were also set up by the Commission in 2011. The text and content of both documents are pretty much the same. However, there are differences between states and international organizations in terms of structure, legal personality, operations and measures. These differences lead to the question of how well the pattern of State`s responsibility is compatible with the status of international organizations. In this descriptive-analytic study, the inappropriateness of some concepts of the State`s responsibility with the circumstances of international organizations have been explained. In addition, it has been shown that the use of the concepts of the responsibility of States in the field of international organizations due to the lack or defect of relevant international practices is practically ineffective and maximum has a recommendatory function.


Main Subjects

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