Customary International Law Solutions to Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in international Law, Department of Law, Islamic Azad University of Najafabad, Najafabad, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Since the status of the property indanger during armed conflict and armed conflict can bring irreparable damage to their body, international law has began codification and adoption of rules and regulations on the protection of cultural property in armed conflicts. But the question is that because of the failure of treaties, whether international law has enough customary rules of international law on the issue?
With surveys had done in respect of international case law, states practice, and own treaties regulation – can recognize as a instance for international custom – we reach the result of the income of customary international law regarding the protection of cultural property the armed conflict has sufficient power And moreover despite recognition of acts against cultural property as a crime under different pretexts, it has also ability to impose punishment and punish the perpetrators of those crimes.


Main Subjects

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