Loopholes in International Regime of Use of Force “The Lasting Consequences of Iraq’s war (2013) in International law”

Document Type : Research Paper


The main focus of this study is to analyze the role and function of the United Nations’ Charter in the legal arguments provided by the US and UK during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.The consequences of justifying the invasion by refereeing to the UN Charter's rules on the use of force have also been discussed in the paper .Proving the illegality of the arguments proposed by US and UK, The study hypothesize that the multiple interpretations of the UN Charter on the one side and the Security Council's resistance toward accepting those interpretations on the other side have led major powers to a new conclusion. In this regard major powers try to justify their military interventions by resorting to ethical and humanitarian rules and pretending their obligation to the UN Charter and international order. The continuance of use of force could widen the current loopholes in the international regime of use of force in such a way that  remains almost no superiority for the principle of States' compliance with the UN Charter.


Main Subjects

الف. فارسی
دادمهر، هادی(1393)،«حقوق بین‌الملل در برابر روابط بین‌الملل؛ بررسی میان رشته‌ای مفهوم اعتبار»، فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته‌ای در علوم انسانی، 6 (4)، 145-123
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