The Role of International Organizations in Combating Environmental Pollution Resulting from Wastes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Academic Member of the Facultyof Lawand Political Science, Shiraz University

2 LLMGraduateof InternationalLaw, Facultyof Law andPolitical Science, Shiraz University


One of the challenges of recent years in the field of the environment has been environmental pollution resulting from wastes. Combating this pollution cannot be done only by States. High costs of environmental projects, the need to use advisors and experts, and the necessity of adopting internationally binding laws are among the main reasons that have persuaded States to work and act together in the framework of international organizations in order to preserve the environment against pollution resulting from wastes. It is in this context that this paper examines the role of international organizations in the preservation of t he environment against wastes and also deals with challenges facing these organizations in this regard. This paper concludes that despite barriers and limitations international organizations have been experiencing, they have reasonably acted for the protection of the environment against wastes. For example, references can be made to the adoption of conventions related to wastes, such as the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (1989) and activities of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the management of wastes in certain regions. It should be noted that if international organizations are going to play a more effective role in the management of wastes, there should be more cooperation between industrial countries and developing countries, especially in transfer of knowledge and technology, exchange of experts, and allocation of financial resources within these organizations.


منابع و ماخذ:
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