Committed Crimes in Abu Ghraib Prison from the Perspective of Criminal International law; A Case Study of Crimes of Torture and Sexual Violence

Document Type : Research Paper



Following the occupation of Iraq by foreign troops in 2003, the Abu Ghraib jail near Baghdad, became a place for holding opponents and protesters to occupation. During keeping the prisoners in this prison, many abuses by the American military that was in charge of Bureau of Prisons occurred against the prisoners.
Because the trial and punish those accused of international crimes depends on specification criminal committed acts according to the rules of international criminal law, in this study, we review mistreated authorities of Abu Ghraib prison from the perspective of international law Criminal.
With study were done committed crimes in this Prison, including “sexual violence” and “torture” we conclude that U.S.accused of Abu Ghraib prison committed crimes against humanity and war crimes.


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