The basics of Prohibition of Violating Privacy in Iran and United State America's Law

Document Type : Research Paper



Due to Iran law system is emanated from jurisprudence, fundamental of supporting privacy can be sought in Islamic law. Right on privacy in Islamic system is supported with strong fundamental such as necessity of observing human dignity and preventing normalizing and propagating badness and regulations as respecting possession of people, domination rule, and presumption of validity and principle of presumption in order to provide necessary space to develop talents of individual. In country claiming the vanguard of human rights, i.e. United State America although this right has been supported with fundamental of human right, liberalism, moral values, and limiting government intervention but this fundamental has been approximately forgotten and event of 11th September of 2001 was scene that government of this country acceptably developed violating permission of privacy by approving some rules and pretending strengthening permanent security against terrorism.
