The United States of America (USA) and Its Re-Definition of Legal Rules regarding Inhumane Treatment of Prisoners of War

Document Type : Research Paper



After September 11, 2001 and then the Unites States' invasion of Afghanistan, and occurence of armed conflict in that country; USA Officials, with their particular interpretation of that situation and the elements of the conflict, declared that, in their fight against terrorism, they would not apply the provisions of Geneva Convention on the Treatment of the Prisoners of War to terrorists as the prisoners of the war. To justify their violations of these provisions, they redefined the legal rules in relation to "prisoners of war" and "torture" to pave the way for justifying their inhumane acts such as torture of prisoners of war, the acts which are contrary to international regulations and even their own national legislation. This paper will discuss the redefinition of the two concepts: "prisoner of war" and "torture" by the USA officials and will criticize their approach and its negative consequences in the framework of international law, especially international humanitarian law.
