The Relationship of the Principle of Non- Intervention in the Contemporary International Law and the Principle of Support of the Oppressed in the Islamic Law

Document Type : Research Paper



The principle that can truly justify the legitimacy of intervention in favour of temporary Islamic awakening in Arab world is the Islamic principle of support of the oppressed, and the only principles that can prevent the enforcement of this principle are non-use of military force and non-intervention in temporary international law. However the Principle of Non-Intervention is one of the international principles that has been generally accepted in the Islamic legal system in some way, but several exceptions have been expressed to this principle in both Islamic and international legal systems, one of which is humanitarian intervention. This research, for the purpose of comparison, is going to examine an important factor that organizes and institutes theoretical and sometimes practical foundations of a part of behavior and foreign relations of an Islamic State (like Islamic republic of Iran). That factor is the Islamic principle of support of the oppressed. This research is trying to study this Principle in current international condition and its relation to the principle of non-intervention in international law.
