Internal and hierarchical supervision of governmental organizations in legal system of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The main goal of internal supervision of government (government in specific meaning) is preventing organizational corruption and controlling qualities of performing duties and government’s   responsibilities.  So, internal supervision is a kind of self-control in organization.
Establishment of systematic structure and efficient system in internal supervision of organizations control performance of government employees (base on law and rules of government). It also helps to evaluate and upgrade performance of managers and employees of these organizations. With hierarchal system of supervision which dominates general structure of internal supervision, central organization of government and employee’s performance is controlled and evaluated. The main purpose of this study is determining ways and tools of internal hierarchal controlling.this essay try to answer this question, Does existence of units and methods of  internal and hierarchal supervision have suitable functions? It seems that legal uncertainties and dispersion of laws make dimensions and methods of hierarchal supervision ambiguous
