Jurisdiction of the Bbranches of the Administrative Justice Court in dealing with complaints from public non-governmental

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Semnan University

2 Assistant Professor of Public Law group of Tarbiat Modares University



According to Article 10 of the Administrative Justice Court law - approved in 2013 amendatory 2023- the jurisdiction of the branches to handle complaints against municipalities and the Social Security Organization is clear, but this jurisdiction about another public non-governmental organizations is ambiguous. This research is in a descriptive-analytical format to answer to the question, what is the disirable model for the supervision of the branches of the Administrative Justice Court on the decisions and actions of public non-governmental organizations? It has proved that, based on the present rules and procedures, it is possible for the branches of the Court to hear complaints from those public non-governmental organizations that have the character of a revolutionary and those public non-governmental organizations that are specified in special laws on the jurisdiction of the Court to hear their complaints. the current procedures of the branches of the Administrative Justice Court not to accept complaints against absolute public non-governmental organizations is unconstitutional and extensive interpretation of the law. So, It is necessary to amend the procedure to allow the branches to handle complaints again all public non-governmental organizations.


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