A reflection on the feasibility of national and international prosecution of the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza

Document Type : Research Paper


shiraz university



In today's global arena, the Zionist regime stands accused of egregious crimes against humanity, particularly in its occupation of Palestinian territories and its conduct during various conflicts, notably the 22-day war in 2008, the 8-day war in 2012, and the recent intensification of hostilities starting in October 2023. Throughout these conflicts, the regime has systematically violated international humanitarian law, subjecting the defenseless people of Gaza to siege conditions, depriving them of essential resources like water, food, and medicine, and perpetrating acts of persecution, torture, and displacement.
Numerous reports from UN agencies corroborate the widespread commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and potentially genocide by the occupying Israeli forces. Consequently, global attention has turned to the urgent need for accountability and justice for the victims of these atrocities. However, the path to holding the perpetrators accountable is fraught with legal and political challenges.
Questions arise regarding which courts possess jurisdiction over these crimes and how legal proceedings can be initiated. Despite the clear imperative for justice, limitations within national and international legal frameworks complicate the prosecution of these crimes. Palestinian and Israeli courts face restrictions in addressing these violations, while legal proceedings in other countries may prove ineffective due to political considerations and obstacles such as the immunity granted to high-ranking state officials.
Although international mechanisms such as the establishment of ad hoc courts by the Security Council or referral to the International Criminal Court offer potential avenues for justice, political dynamics, particularly US support for Israel, present significant obstacles. Therefore, the most viable option for pursuing accountability lies with the ICC, either through referral by a member state or the prosecutor's initiative. By accepting the ICC's jurisdiction and referring the situation in Palestine and Gaza to the Court, the State of Palestine can pave the way for legal action. In addition, seeking intervention from the International Court of Justice to prevent further atrocities and secure reparations holds promise. By taking immediate action to prevent genocide and subsequent obligations to compensate damages, the ICJ can play a crucial role in addressing the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
In conclusion, while the pursuit of justice for the crimes committed by the Zionist regime presents formidable challenges, concerted efforts within the international legal framework offer hope for accountability and redress for the victims.


Main Subjects

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