Minimization of Waste Production in Iran’s Environmental Law

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Faculty of Law & Political Sciences of Mazandaran University



Waste minimization is the first process of waste management hierarchy which requires various legal mechanisms to minimize the amounts of produced wastes. The main question of this article is whether are there appropriate legal mechanisms for waste prevention in Iran’s environmental law or not and what are the legal challenges in this field? This article based on a descriptive and analytical method, exercises the legal challenges and lacunas in minimization of waste in three stages of waste generation: production, supply and consumption of the products. The study explores the deficits of the Waste Management Act of Iran and other production laws in this regard. Finally, it concludes that the lack of appropriate obligatory, voluntary and accelerative instruments for prevention of waste production, will undermine the waste management system in Iran and so taking necessary legal devices for waste prevention is demanded.


Main Subjects

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