Various Modifications on the Cause of Civil Action

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch



The principle of disputing parties' autonomy (Le principe dispositif) as a leading procedural principle indicates the initiative role of plaintiff in the civil proceedings and gives him/her the opportunity to modify the elements of actin brought. However, the prohibition of surprising in civil procedure and necessary respect for the rights of defense require that any modification of the elements of civil action regulated and arranged only in the form of legally recognized institutions under the relevant terms and conditions. The most important element of civil litigation is the cause of action, which seems to be a relatively complex and mysterious concept. The debate over the concept and nature of the cause of action has been somewhat discussed among legal writers, but still seems incomplete. In addition, the manner in which the cause of action is modified has received less attention, and the ambiguities in this area have lead to the complexity of the issues related to the cause of action. The main idea of the present article is based on the possibility of designing multiple causes to justify a single civil claim, and accordingly, the possibility of increasing or decreasing the number of causes of litigation, as well as the possibility of changing the cause of action has been accepted and an attempt has been made to comply with well-known standards and rules of civil procedure.


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