An Analysis on the Possibility of Granting a Trademark Compulsory License

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA. in (Intellectual Property Law), Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of International Trade Law & Intellectual Property and Cyberspace Law Department, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



In practice, legal systems are skeptical of the compulsory license as a restrictive means of patentee exclusive rights and some other instances of the intellectual properties. In the realm of IP rights, granting a compulsory license in the trademark field faces more challenges regarding the explicit prohibition of trademark compulsory licenses in TRIPS. As a result, for the first time, we tend to investigate the possibility of extending compulsory licenses in the field of patents into trademarks. Examining the primary function of trademarks in the market, comparing the characteristics of patent and trademark laws, in the shadow of international regulations, IP doctrine, and the jurisprudence of the legal systems specially United States and the European Union, this study aims to analyze the subject from two main perspectives: public interest and competition law considerations. Also, the subject of trademark compulsory license in the Iranian law has been addressed. It is concluded that the trademark compulsory license cannot be justified based on public interest and the protection of consumer rights or countering the anti-competitive behaviors of trademark holders. As a result, it is unlikely to accept compulsory licenses in the trademark field.


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