The principles and rules of procedural law are linked; the procedural rules as shell-guard of procedural principles

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Private and Islamic Law , Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran



The distinction between procedural legal principles and procedural rules and techniques is one of the famous arguments in Iranian law. The argument may be astonishing for lawyers of different background. It comes from some statutory provisions authorizing the court to ignore the procedural rules in reviewing the case but at the same time to comply strictly with the procedural principles. In this essay, after introducing of the concepts of both rules and principles of procedural law, the idea of distinction between them is examined in terms of possibility or otherwise feasibility of simultaneous withdrawal of rules and compliance with principles.


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  2. Rawls, John (1999) A Theory of Justice, Harward University Press.

ج. فرانسوی

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