The Chess Path of Juvenile Delinquency in Iran with the Implementation of the British Penal System

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University Law School

3 Faculty member of the Faculty of Law, Tehran University of Research Sciences

4 Member of Scientific Board- Science and Research University



The adoption of a differential justice system in dealing with juvenile delinquency is one of the achievements of the movement for the protection of children's rights. As a result of the selection of this system and under the supervision of children's rights organizations, the criminal procedure laws for children have undergone significant changes. In recent amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code in Iran, the legislature has sought to separate juvenile justice from adults, and by legislating innovative methods, has sought to comply with international guidelines and the separation of jurisdictions. Despite the existence of legislative records and the wise guidelines of the doctrine of criminal law and even the drafting of a comprehensive bill on juvenile justice, there are many shortcomings in what was passed as a law, resulting in a favorable outcome and an ideal horizon. It has challenged the differential justice system. The current Code of Criminal Procedure, in some stages, has taken it out of the differential system and outlined the structure of action as an adult trial. It is expected that by accurately identifying this process and adapting it to the UK judicial system, and enumerating the shortcomings along with the proposals, the ground for amending current laws and the approach of court judges will be provided.


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