Examining the theory of promise as a justification for the contractual enforcement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 استاد حقوق خصوصی، دانشگاه علوم قضایی و خدمات اداری، تهران، ایران،

2 Associate Professor of Islamic Jurisprudence, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran



The theory of promise considers the conscious & intentional invocation of the convention of promises to justify the exercise of legal power to guarantee the contract. Such an understanding of the basis of the contract would provide a general rule for enforcing those legal acts that come as a promise. Nevertheless, this theory has been criticized in several major ways. Some critics have used their conception of the limits of contractual freedom as a pretext for criticizing the theory of promise. Some have attributed its weakness to the inconsistency of this theory with the larger theories of entitlement and the inability to explain some of the doctrines of the contract. Considering the sum of its arguments and critiques, it can be seen that although the theory of promise correctly explains a part of reality, it needs to be corrected in order to overemphasize the subjective aspect of the contract.


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