Comparative Study of Assignability of all Types of License Agreements Emphasizing on the Judicial Procedure in the US

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student in Private Law, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Khomeini Shahr Branch, Khomeini Shahr, Iran



Acceptance of transferability of contracts is not specific to a particular contract and a general rule can be derived from it for all contracts. However, some jurists have believed the need for the consent of licensor to the free transfer of certain types of license agreements. Explaining the free transferability of the contract by the licensee and the position of the consent of licensor in the transferability of each type of license agreement is a specific question that should be answered by said that transfer of exclusive, sole licenses, individual licenses, trademark and know-how licenses is not possible except with the consent of the licensor. Looking at the laws of different nations, international documents as well as an analysis of US jurisprudence, the effects and functions of anti-transferability conditions in the contract were also considered.


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