The Comparative Study of Jus Soli in Iranian, United Kingdom and European Union Laws

Document Type : Research Paper



Granting citizenship to persons on the basis of the Jus Soli has been the oldest principle in the formulation of citizenship rules in legal systems. It seems that the drafters of the Iranian civil code in applying the rules and regulations of citizenship have been completely influenced by French law and have translated the nationality rules of that country. Citizenship rules, like many other social issues, must be governed by the cultural, political, economic and social conditions of each country. A Comparative Study of Jus Soli in the Legal System of Iran and European Union Member States, including France and the United Kingdom, can show how nationality regulations evolve under these conditions. Iran's civil code, using French law, has used four of the five recognized Jus soli models. The economic, cultural and political conditions of Iran indicate that the granting of all recognized forms of citizenship is not in the interests of the Iranian government and society, and that Iranian citizenship requirements in the area of Jus Soli require substantial reform. Using this comparative study, the Iranian legislator can apply the necessary amendments to the rules on Jus Soli proposed in this article in Iranian civil code.


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