Study on adaptation of employer's liability in article 12 of the civil liability act with the general rules of civil liability

Document Type : Research Paper


university of Isfahan


Abstract: Article 12 of the civil liability act is adapted from the law of obligations of Swiss and this kind of responsibility is unprecedented in traditional iranian law and jurisprudence. But most iranian legal writers are inspired by French law to analyze this article and they have stated the basics such as the theory of risk and assumed fault for it. Many iranian legal writers have tried to refer the basis of this responsibility to civil liability rules. The most important rule used to justify the employer's responsibility is the rule of ‘ sababe aghva az mobasher’. But the fact is that, except in some cases very limited, this rule can not be able to justify the employer's liability. For this reason, the judiciary has refused to comply with Article 12 in compensation for physical damage. Regarding the uniqueness of the criterion of causality and customary citation in financial and physical damages belief in abrogation of article 12 on physical damage and its survival in financial losses is controversial.


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