The discourse analysis of the punishment on the verge of Mashruteh era

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Law and Political Science Department of Criminal and Criminology Law of Tehran university


In the initiation of "Mashruteh Revolution" ,legislators sought to adopt European criminal law and adopt the jurisprudence's view that criminal law was incompatible with jurisprudence. The question about punishments of this era, such as Conte's law, is what discourses were present in the context of the punishments of this era and which discourses dominated the discourse. The main issue of the research is to explain the role and impact of the present discourses in the context of penal developments in Conte's law. This paper deals with the discourse analysis of punishment in Conte's legal booklet using PDAM's qualitative discourse analysis method. The findings of the researcher in this article indicate the presence of three discourses of "criminal modernism", "royal criminal tradition" and "religious criminal tradition" in the context of Conte's criminal booklet developments; The influence of the traditional royal and royal discourse and the cynicism of equality and greed has been sterile. The main components of these three discourses are that the key components of the discourse of "criminal modernism" are rehabilitation and criminal utilitarianism; Is criminal ethics, and the main components of the discourse of the "royal criminal tradition" are the inequality of individuals with regard to the punishment.


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