Contemplation on Criminal Liability Models of Legal Persons

Document Type : Research Paper



Legal systems to overcome the problem of attributing criminal responsibility to persons have already tested various solutions for including criminal responsibility of superiors and employers, criminal responsibility based on the theory Thoughtful Brain, criminal responsibility based on the idea of ​​collective blame, criminal responsibility arising from the theory of power and acceptance. These models, have a common position on the transfer of fault from a person or special persons to a legal person. The criminal liability of an organization is based on the fault of legal person’s structure, in other words, the entity’s policy of crime production, and not a certain Individual. The Iranian penal system Under Article 143 of the Islamic Penal Code has shown a tendency to derivative responsibility based on the legal representation theory. With this in mind, the fundamental question is: how this model of responsibility can be adjusted to the realities of corporate crimes on the ground. This research seeks to examine the flaws and limitations of the criminal model used in the Iranian Penal Code and to propose a solution for strengthening the present model.


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