Analyzing the Nature of Compromise Contract and the Measures of Qualification the Nominate Contracts as Compromise

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Private Law, Department of Law, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Department of Law, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Department of Law, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


     Among the nominate contracts, the compromise has this unique characteristic that can provide the results of other contracts, without imposing specific rules of those contracts on it. The ambiguity in the meaning of compromise on the one hand and possibility of substituting compromise rather than other contracts on the other hand, make it difficult to distinguish the compromise agreement from a contract that compromise has been placed in its position.  Thus the aim of this article is to answer two questions: first what is nature of compromise agreement? second which are the measures of qualification a contract to compromise when the compromise is substituted for the other nominate contracts? Substantively, the nature of compromise is nothing but mutual consent and whenever the parties use the title of compromise, , the contract must be considered as compromise and in the cases which they have not used this title, and the nature of the contract is disputed, , categorizing the contract of compromise  is preferable provided that the circumstances reinforce such reading.


Main Subjects

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