Protected Works under Iranian Literary & Artistic Rights Protection Draft and Bern Convention

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Private Law, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran

2 Ph.D in Islamic Jurisprudence, Law and Imam Khomeini Thought, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University


Despite many advances in the field of intellectual property protection in the world, the regulations of Iran with regard to the protection of intellectual property are confronted with many uncertainties and ambiguities and are not in line with international legal standards. In this regard, the "working group of legal system of Intellectual Property of Council Information Secretariat" in the past few years has prepared a draft including 180 Articles. This article examines the strengths and weaknesses of this draft, types of copyright, protected works, duration and conditions of protection, remedy for breach of the right, competent authority of settlement of disputes under the draft articles and Bern Convention. It should be noted that Iran is not still the member of an international convention on the protection of literary and artistic rights and if Iran joins WTO, it will automatically be bound by the provisions of the articles 1 to 22 of the Bern Convention.


Main Subjects

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