The Stance of Precautionary Principle in the Protection of Marine Environment

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Law Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in international Law, Department of Law, Islamic Azad University of Najafabad, Najafabad, Iran


The precautionary principle is one of the important principles developed in the light of international environmental law and it is remembered of as one of the pillars of deterrence. According to this principle, governments can act only when their acts are not considered as the complete cause of irreversible damage to nature. Environmental risks are not considered part of natural hazards. One of the most important environmental hazards is the pollution of seas and oceans. Efforts to protect the marine environment at the international level involve all necessary measures and applying the precautionary principle, in which the common interests of international community lies. Therefore, this paper tries via investigating the position of the precautionary principle in the marine environment to study its important role in protecting the seas environment.


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