A Critical View of the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of public law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of International Law, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The draft articles on the international responsibility of States as a turning point in the International Law Commission’s activities encouraged the commission to complete its work on international responsibility by codifying regulations in the area of responsibility of international organizations. But after a decade, the Commission draw up a draft of which was met with much criticism. In addition to criticisms against some of the articles, major concerns about the success of this document return to general problems that are related to the Commission’s work, including lack of attention to the differences between the government and international organization on the one hand, and the differences between organizations themselves about responsibility issue on the other hand, as well as the lack of sufficient jurisprudence about organizations. In this article, the most important general and specific objections and criticisms against the draft articles will be considered and it concludes The Commission took a disproportionate development it seems that the draft will face difficulties in the future.


Main Subjects

الف. فارسی
بیگ‌زاده، ابراهیم(1389)، حقوق سازمان‌های بین‌المللی، تهران: مجد.
حاتمی، مهدی(1391)، «بررسی جایگاه مسئولیت دولت عضو سازمان بین‌المللی در قبال عمل متخلفانه سازمان». فصلنامه حقوق، مجله حقوق دانشکده حقوق و علوم سیاسی، دوره 42، ش 3، 141-127.
زمانی، قاسم، (1388)، حقوق سازمان‌های بین‌المللی، شخصیت، مسئولیت، مصونیت، تهران، مؤسسه مطالعات و پژوهش‌های حقوقی شهر دانش.
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