The Legal Effects of Forged Signatures of Cheque (Comparative Study in Civil Law, Common Law & Iranian Law)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor , Faculty of Law , University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 pH.D in private Law


 In process of issuance and transfer of cheque, the signature of drawer or endorser may be forged. Comparative Study shows that the attitude of legal systems to this issue and their solutions with respect to different legal problems that will be arisen between banks, holder, drawer and secondary parties of the Cheque ,to some extent, are different.
In all legal systems, where it is proved that a signature of person who present as a drawer is forged, it causes to release drawer from responsibility. But regarding to the basis of  responsibility of  secondary parties, there are disagreements. In hypothesis of forged endorsement, the attitude of common law and civil law is striking different in respect to the cheque ownership and priority of legal protection from the "true owner" and " holder with goodwill". This matter causes some complicated legal problems in relationships between parties of a commercial document. We study these topics in those legal systems in a comparative way.


Main Subjects

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