The destruction and looting of cultural heritage during the invasion and occupation of Iraq from the perspective of international criminal law

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Imam Hossein University, Public university in Tehran, Iran


The invasion of Iraq in 2003, has left various social and human consequences,  including destruction and looting the Iraq cultural heritage. This article seeks to answer the question of whether from the perspective of international criminal law the US forces violated international rules in this area. Since in accordance with the international regulations, the occupying power is responsible for protecting cultural heritage of the occupied country, and many documents which indicate the direct involvement of the US troops and in destroying and looting the cultural heritage in Mesopotamia, we can come to this conclusion that Although the United States of America Joined to the 1954 Hague Convention relating to the protection of cultural heritage on 12 March 2009, Because international rules relating to the protection of cultural heritage is considered part of customary international law, US forces and officials in America are responsible for  destruction and looting of Iraq's cultural heritage during the occupation of the country and should be held accountable and go to trial.


Main Subjects

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