The study of jurisprudential foundations of civil responsibility due to human science deficiency

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Kharazmi University , Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor of private Law, faculty of law and political sciences, Kharazmi University , Tehran, Iran

3 PHD in private law ,Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Today, with the production of technical and complex goods, due to the defects of science and their unknown defects, Lots of damages and sometimes irreparable damage to the community due to the inadequacy of contractual relations, it cannot be assumed on the basis of the principles and rules of law in these cases. Accordingly, in most legal systems of the world, the defect of science is one of the factors responsible for eliminating responsibility that accepting this kind of defense and only leaving the losses to the owners of new goods and services, who has a lot of financial means to defend themselves has caused the loss of the rights of the sufferers therefore, in this research, we tried to refer to the rich Islamic jurisprudence and with a new re-reading of jurisprudential rules such as the rules of pride, richness and misery, and ... the appropriate remedy is to compensate for damage, and the new science and technology owners do not loss motivation to continue their work.


Main Subjects

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