The Extent of Intuition and Reasoning in Process of Judgment

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The intuitionalists contrary to formalists have considered judge’s formal reasoning as being in contrast with the substantive reality of judgment itself in process of Judgment and argue that the essence of reasoning is much more reflective of mysticism and legal intuition rather than logics and formal rationale. The notion of intuition is a conflict resolution immediately and unconsciously pictured in judge’s intellect when he, for the first time, happens to cope with the detailed realities of a case brought before him and automatically attract him. It seems that according to different scopes of Intuition and reasoning whatever we emphasize in their mutuality, judicial reasoning continues to be conducted under the dominance of the rules governing the reasoning. For what comes out of intuition is a picture of what could have been a just result for the judge deciding on a case, however, under obligation of judge he is supposed to justify its judicial decision under reasonable legal reasoning dealing with logical and rational standards. Under this process, the result coming out of intuition should be the logical result of the rudiments mentioned for its justification.


Main Subjects

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