World Trade Organization and International Human Rights

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of international Law, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran Ph.D. in international Law

2 Ph.D. in international Law


The incrasing  trend of globalization in arena of economy and trade that has been led to creation of the WTO as the principal organization responsible to managing the international multilateral trade regime  has been a source of different repercussions on the lives of every  body in international levels and hundreds of millions people who have been deprivied of fundamental human rights in international human rights instruments as "rights" have been recognized,from one side,the human rights that have been codified under the international law created the commitments and the responsibilitis for states or governments have numerated the obligations for international organizations. Considering of practice and performance of this  organization what is contemplated and what emerged is "mismatch" of WTO,s procedures with international human rights standards.This issue is verifiable particularly in reviewing of the agreements and the decisions of the dispute settlement authorities , as well as policies and its adoption by the it,s organs and theire confliction with international human rights standards would be proven.


Main Subjects

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