Satellite Broadcasting Stoppage from the Perspective of International Law: Assessment of Media Sanction of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistance Professor of International Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 M. A. in International Law, University of Qom. Qom, Iran


Media sanction is a new form of international sanctions that prevents the audience from seeing different opinions about news and educations and so on. This purpose is in contrast to the doctrine of smart sanctions according to which just the offending state has to be sanctioned.  Media sanction violates some principles of international law.  These principles are the principle of freedom of information, freedom of satellite broadcasts, the principle of immunity of states, the principles of UN charter, principle of counter measures, the principle of international telecommunication and the principle of Europe union and so on. Violation of these principles has an international responsibility for the states.


Main Subjects

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