Extension of Arbitration Agreement to third party

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in department of private & Islamic law, Faculty of law & political science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 M.A in Private Law, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Now, the common method of resolving dispute in international trade is arbitration; because unlike judicial proceeding, the quality of investigations is in available of the parties. Usually, arbitration agreement is stated in tow forms: in principal contract or separate contract. Since the settlement of disputes through arbitration is amounted an exception to judicial proceeding, consent of the parties that is essential must be confirmed,otherwise, arbitration is invalid. So, the question is that how can extend the arbitration agreement to person who have not signed it but in a way related to this contract or interest in it. To this extension, have already been put forward ideas that are: estoppel, group of companies, representation, assumption, referenceand hybrid theory. Of these comments, the doctrine of estoppel more than others emphasize on consent and so is more consistent with our legal principles.


Main Subjects

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