Different scenarios of Jurisdictional Conflicts in International Criminal Law in light of ICC Rome Statute

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Criminal Law and Criminology, Allameh Tabataba’i university, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in International Law, Allameh Tabataba’i university, Tehran, Iran


The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court is complementary in relation to the contracting states of the Rome Statute. This, however, only deals with possible conflicts of jurisdiction with national courts, while, at least in theory, several types of conflicts are imaginable. In this article, after discussing jurisdiction in general in international law, several types of conflicts of jurisdiction that might arise as a result of the establishment of the ICC are studied. In particular, possible conflicts of jurisdiction with ad hoc tribunals and truth finding commissions are discussed. It must, however, be admitted that using the word conflict may not be strictly correct with regrd to truth finding commissions since they are not judicial organs in the true sense of the word, but conflict in this article concerns the recognition of amnesties granted by such commissions. Possible answers have been provided based on the Rome Statute. In some cases, finding an answer requires construing the statute flexibly.


Main Subjects

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