Civil Liability Resulting From Transportation and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Private Law, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 M.A in Private Law, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.


Transportation of hazardous materials always causes a dangerous environmentand in some cases leads to incompensabledamage. Because of this fact, the specialists of civil liability concerned with the importance of the determination of a specific regime of civil liability. With regard to civil liability arising from transportation of hazardous materials, not only the regime of   civil liability has changed into the strict liability but also the new rules concerning the determination of liable person have been emerged.
Contrary to the general rules of traditional regime of civil liability in which this is the wrongful act of the wrongdoer that engages the civil liability, in the context of civil liability arising from transportation of hazardous materials the specific principles such as   the principle of “channeling of liability to Operator” plays an important role.
From the perspective of international law, some conventions such as the Basel convention 1989 and its protocol relating to civil liability have tendency to establish the specific regime of civil liability.


Main Subjects

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